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Zelenski salută decizia „istorică” a SUA de a permite livrarea de avioane de luptă

image 2022 10 5 25828059 0 volodimir zelenski

The recent decision by the United States to allow the delivery of fighter jets to Romania has been hailed as a historic one by President Zelenski. The move is seen as a sign of the strong partnership between the two countries and is expected to enhance the security of both nations.

The decision was announced by the US State Department earlier this month, with Romania set to receive seven F-16 fighter jets along with spare parts, weapons, and training equipment. The total cost of the package is estimated at $617 million.

In response, President Zelenski expressed his gratitude to the US for the decision, stating that it sends a clear message of support for Romania and the wider region. He added that the move will contribute to the security and stability of the Black Sea area, which is of strategic importance to both the US and Romania.

The F-16 fighter jets are expected to significantly enhance Romania’s defense capabilities, particularly in the face of growing security challenges in the region. The country has been investing heavily in its military in recent years, with a focus on modernizing its equipment and infrastructure.

The US has been a key partner of Romania in this endeavor, providing training, equipment, and financial support to help strengthen the country’s defense capabilities. The recent decision to allow the delivery of fighter jets is seen as a further demonstration of the strong partnership between the two countries.

The move has also been welcomed by NATO, with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg describing it as a „significant contribution” to the collective defense of the alliance. Romania is a key member of NATO and has been increasing its defense spending in line with the alliance’s target of 2% of GDP.

Overall, the decision by the US to allow the delivery of fighter jets to Romania is a positive development for the security of both countries and the wider region. It underscores the strong partnership between the two countries and their commitment to working together to address common security challenges. As President Zelenski noted, it is a truly historic decision that will have a lasting impact on the security of the region.

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