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How to be more productive


Here are some tips:

How to be more productive 108

The one people describe as a robot or machine, because surely no simple human could work as quickly as they do.

And yet these people exist, cranking away at maximum efficiency. What do these highly productive people have in common? How do they do it?

  • Focus on most important tasks first
  • Cultivate deep work
  • Keep a distraction list to stay focused
  • Use the Eisenhower Matrix to identify long-term priorities
  • Use the 80/20 rule
  • Break tasks into smaller pieces
  • Take breaks
  • Make fewer decisions
  • Eliminate inefficient communication
  • Find repeatable shortcuts
  • Learn from successes as well as mistakes
  • Plan for when things go wrong
  • Work before you get motivated or inspired
  • Don’t multitask
  • Fill the tank — recharge
  • Sharpen the axe
  • Manage your energy (not just time)
  • Get better at saying “no”

Play up beat music as you get stuff done around the house. Take a walk outside as you brainstorm ideas. “Someone I know thought working with spreadsheets was really boring but needed to use them when writing financial reports for her creative business. She discovered that simply changing the colors on the spreadsheet made it more interesting,” says Marshall. Small adjustments can help you find joy in tedious to-dos.

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