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LIVE TEXT Război în Ucraina, 15 mai 2023 – Ucraina avansează puternic în zona Bahmut / Zelenski i-a cerut lui Scholz avioane de luptă

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As of May 15th, 2023, the situation in Ukraine grows increasingly tense as Ukranian forces make their way into the Bahmut/Zelenski region. The conflict has taken a serious turn, with demands for military aid from Germany as President Zelenski appeals for fighter planes from Chancellor Scholz.

The events unfolding in Ukraine have been a cause for concern for many global leaders and citizens alike. Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine has been in the middle of a conflict with separatist regions in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, with Russian involvement being a constant source of controversy.

As the situation unfolds in the Bahmut/Zelenski region, Ukraine’s military commanders have reported that they are making significant advances, taking back territory that has been under separatist control. The Ukranian military’s operation „Joint Forces Operation” has been carried out with the goal of reinstating control over Ukraine’s border and neutralizing threats.

As the conflict continues, attention is now turning to international aid. Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, has been a longstanding supporter of Ukraine and has pledged her continued support. In recent news, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenski has called on Germany to provide avioane de luptă (fighter planes) to aid their military efforts. The request comes as a desperate plea for support, as Ukraine seeks to gain the upper hand in the conflict.

The conflict in Ukraine has been a source of tension for several years, with human rights violations and loss of life on both sides. The current situation has highlighted the need for a peaceful resolution, with international support being critical in this regard. It remains to be seen how the situation will develop, and what steps will need to be taken to find a resolution for all parties involved. One thing is certain, however, the need for peace remains paramount, and all efforts must be taken to achieve it.

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