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Ciolacu: Consider că nu pot pleca la un drum ca prim-ministru cu problema pensiilor speciale nerezolvată. Ori trece legea, ori plec eu acasă

image 2022 09 28 25816522 0 marcel ciolacu

Paul Stănescu, the acting president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), has recently announced that Marcel Ciolacu, the leader of the party, is the most likely candidate for the position of Prime Minister in Romania. However, Ciolacu has stated that he cannot take on this role until the issue of special pensions has been resolved.

According to Ciolacu, the special pensions issue is one of the most pressing problems facing Romania. These pensions are awarded to certain groups of people, including politicians and members of the military, and are often significantly higher than normal pensions. Ciolacu has stated that he believes this is a major injustice and that it is causing a great deal of anger and frustration among the general public.

Ciolacu has argued that he cannot take on the role of Prime Minister until this issue has been addressed. He believes that if he were to become Prime Minister without resolving the special pensions problem, he would not be able to effectively lead the government. He has called on the Romanian parliament to pass a law that would address this issue before he takes on the role of Prime Minister.

Ciolacu has also stated that if the special pensions issue is not resolved, he is prepared to step down as the leader of the PSD. He believes that this issue is so important that he cannot continue to lead the party if it is not addressed.

The issue of special pensions has been a major political issue in Romania for several years. Many Romanians believe that it is unfair for certain groups of people to receive significantly higher pensions than others. However, politicians and members of the military have argued that they deserve these pensions because of the difficult and often dangerous work they do.

It remains to be seen whether the Romanian parliament will pass a law addressing the issue of special pensions. However, it is clear that Ciolacu is taking a strong stand on this issue and is willing to take bold action if necessary. If he does become Prime Minister, he will have a challenging road ahead of him, but his commitment to addressing this major problem will likely win him the support of many Romanian citizens.

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