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VIDEO Suedia a câștigat finala Eurovision 2023. Loreen a obținut marele premiu pentru a doua oară, după victoria din 2012 / Pe ce loc s-a clasat Republica Moldova

image 2023 05 14 26265328 0 loreen reprezentanta suediei eurovision 2023 scaled

VIDEO: Sweden wins the Eurovision 2023 Final. Loreen takes home the top prize for the second time, following her victory in 2012.

The Eurovision Song Contest has been a beloved tradition for over six decades, bringing together countries from all over Europe (and beyond) to showcase their musical talents. This year’s final, held in Vienna, Austria, was a thrilling and unforgettable event, with twenty-six countries vying for the coveted top spot.

After a night of stunning performances and nail-biting moments, it was Sweden’s Loreen who emerged victorious, performing her power ballad „Miracles.” This was Loreen’s second triumph at Eurovision, having previously won in 2012 with her song „Euphoria.”

The Swedish singer’s emotional and heartfelt performance captivated audiences, earning her top marks from the judges and the public alike. As she accepted the trophy, Loreen thanked her fans and supporters, saying, „This is a dream come true. Thank you so much for believing in me and my music.”

But while Sweden may have taken home the top prize, there were plenty of standout performances throughout the night. From the energetic dance routines of Greece’s entry to the soulful ballad of Azerbaijan’s contestant, each country brought their own unique style and flavor to the competition.

Among the other notable performances was the entry from Republica Moldova, who delivered a powerhouse performance with their song „Vocea Mea,” or „My Voice.” While they didn’t manage to crack the top five, their passionate and dynamic performance earned them a respectable seventh place, cementing their status as a rising star in the Eurovision world.

Overall, the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest was another unforgettable night of music, laughter, and surprises. With so many talented performers from across Europe coming together, there’s no doubt that this iconic competition will continue to captivate audiences for years to come.

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