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Liberalul care conduce Poșta rescrie istoria: Compania nu a primit niciodată ajutor de stat / Poșta oferă mai mult statului decât primește

image 2023 01 19 26029543 0 valentin stefan director posta romana

Romania’s postal company, Poșta Română, has often been a topic of discussion and debate in the country’s political spheres. The company’s current CEO, a liberal politician named Horia Grigorescu, has recently re-written the narrative surrounding Poșta by stating that the company has never received state aid – a statement that has caused a stir amongst those who are familiar with the company’s history.

For years, the public perception of Poșta Română has been one of a struggling company that has relied heavily on state aid to stay afloat. However, Grigorescu’s claims suggest otherwise. He argues that, in fact, Poșta has been offering more to the state than it has been receiving in return.

Grigorescu points to the company’s contributions to the state, which he says have far surpassed any aid that Poșta has received. For example, Poșta pays around 300 million lei (approximately $70 million USD) in taxes each year, and also provides employment for over 30,000 people across the country.

Grigorescu’s statements have sparked debate and controversy, with some praising him for his bold claims while others remain skeptical. Critics argue that Poșta has, in fact, received state aid in various forms throughout its history, and that it would be impossible for the company to operate without some level of government support.

Despite the controversy, Grigorescu remains adamant that Poșta’s contributions to the state outweigh any aid that the company may have received. He argues that instead of focusing on the past, people should be looking towards the future and the potential of Poșta to continue contributing to the growth and development of Romania’s economy.

The debate surrounding Poșta Română’s financial history will likely continue for some time. However, it is clear that Grigorescu’s claims have sparked a larger conversation about the role of state aid in Romania’s economy and the potential for companies like Poșta to make significant contributions to the country’s financial stability.

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