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Games (EN)

FIFA 17 has a Story Mode (EN)


Electronic Arts has revealed his new games at EA Play, which runs parallel with E3. And one of them was FIFA 17, that gained something completely new and unexpected for the series.

After 23 years of existence, FIFA has gained with this new game a true single-player campaign. This mode will be called „The Journey”, and you have to take over the role of a footballer called Alex Hunter, who has just joined the Premier League. This mod will include a numerous cinematic sequences that will tell a story whose course can be controlled by the player.

FIFA 17 has a Story Mode (EN) 63

During this campaign you will have the opportunity to participate in a large number of matches, and choosing in which team to play in the championship. So you can interact with a big variety of character from real life, at the game announcement Jose Mourinho was there to announce their presence in FIFA 17.

The new FIFA will be avabile from september, for PC and consoles, and it will use the Frostbite engine.

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