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Editorial Marian Vanghelie a chemat ambulanța înainte de procesul de luare de mită. Probleme grave de sănătate și pentru unul dintre avocați

image 2023 05 26 26292561 0 ambulanta has reported on the recent events surrounding Marian Vanghelie, a former Romanian mayor who has been accused of bribery in relation to the construction of a sports complex. Vanghelie made headlines again when he called for an ambulance to take him to the hospital just hours before his court hearing.

According to the website, Vanghelie claimed that he was experiencing serious health problems and was afraid he would not be able to endure the trial. Despite his request for medical attention, however, fans who were hoping to catch a glimpse of the former politician were disappointed when they saw that he was not present at the hearing.

This latest incident follows a series of controversies surrounding Vanghelie, who has been accused of a host of crimes ranging from fraud to bribery. He has maintained his innocence throughout his legal battles, claiming that he is the victim of a political vendetta.

In addition to Vanghelie’s health problems, has also reported on the challenges faced by one of his lawyers. The website claims that one of Vanghelie’s attorneys suffered serious health complications during the trial and had to be hospitalized.

This latest episode is just one more indication of the serious issues that continue to plague Romania’s legal system. Corruption and political interference continue to be major problems, making it difficult for ordinary citizens to believe that justice can truly be served.

While the fate of Marian Vanghelie remains uncertain, one thing is clear: Romania needs to address the systemic problems that are causing so much damage to its legal system. Without serious reforms, the country will continue to struggle with corruption and political interference, leaving innocent individuals like Vanghelie to suffer the consequences.

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