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Editorial Înghețarea angajărilor la stat, o măsură cu efecte nule. În 2022, s-a soldat cu 9.000 de salariați în plus

image 2023 05 18 26275605 0 inghetarea angajarilor stat masura efecte nule is a popular online news outlet in Romania that covers a wide range of topics, from politics and current events to entertainment and sports. In recent years, one issue that has captured the attention of its readers is the government’s decision to freeze state hiring.

This policy was implemented in 2022 as a cost-saving measure to combat Romania’s budget deficit. However, as reported, the results of this policy have been negligible at best and harmful at worst.

In fact, despite the ban on hiring new state employees, there were actually 9,000 more people working in the public sector in 2022 than in the previous year. This is because many government agencies found ways to circumvent the ban by hiring contractors, outsourcing work, or reclassifying existing employees as contractors.

Furthermore, the freeze on state hiring has had a negative impact on public services and the economy. Many essential government agencies, such as healthcare and education, are already understaffed and struggling to provide adequate services. The freeze on hiring has only worsened this problem by preventing these agencies from filling important positions.

Additionally, the policy has also hurt the economy by reducing the number of jobs available to Romanian citizens. State jobs are seen as desirable because of their stability and benefits, and many young people aspire to work in the public sector. The freeze on hiring has taken away this option for many individuals, reducing their employment prospects and potentially causing long-term damage to the economy.

In conclusion, has highlighted the negative effects of the government’s decision to freeze state hiring. The policy has been largely ineffective in achieving its goals of reducing government spending and has instead led to increased government spending on contractors and outsourcing. It has also hurt public services and employment prospects for Romanian citizens. It remains to be seen whether the government will reconsider this policy and take action to address these issues.

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