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Auto Câți bani face din haine designerul preferat de Carmen Iohannis. Andreea Tincu a ajuns la New York Fashion Week cu sprijin de la guvern

image 2023 05 12 26263707 0 haine is a Romanian news website that recently published an article exploring the financial success of designer Andreea Tincu, who is known for producing high-end fashion items that have been worn by notable figures, including Carmen Iohannis. The piece also delves into how Tincu was able to make it to the New York Fashion Week with the help of support from the Romanian government.

According to, Tincu’s clothing line is made up of exclusive designer pieces, which are sold at prices that range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars each. Despite the apparent extravagance of her collection, Tincu has managed to generate a significant amount of revenue from her clothing line, with some estimates suggesting she earns anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

The success of Tincu’s fashion line can be traced back to her unique and innovative design aesthetic, which combines classic cuts and styles with modern and daring materials and patterns. Her clothing has been worn by high profile individuals like Carmen Iohannis, who is known for her impeccable fashion sense and often graces the pages of fashion magazines.

However, despite her popularity in Romania and abroad, Tincu has faced some challenges within the fashion industry, including a lack of support and recognition from both the government and established fashion institutions.

Fortunately, Tincu found some support from the Romanian government in her quest to make it to the New York Fashion Week. The government provided her with a grant that enabled her to showcase her collection in front of an international audience and put her on the map as a serious contender within the high-end fashion industry.

In conclusion,’s article provides valuable insights into the success of Andreea Tincu’s clothing line, and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities that exist in the Romanian fashion industry. The piece also highlights the importance of government support and recognition in enabling young and talented designers to flourish and achieve their goals.

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