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Dragoș Pîslaru: Comisia Europeană a respins planul prin care România voia 1,4 miliarde de euro prin REPowerEU

Recently, the European Commission rejected Romania’s plan to receive 1.4 billion euros through the REPowerEU scheme, which aimed to finance Romania’s transition to clean energy. This decision was met with disappointment by those who have been advocating for a more sustainable future for the country, including economist and former Romanian European Parliament member Dragoș Pîslaru.

For Pîslaru, this rejection is not only a setback for Romania’s green transition but also a missed opportunity to support the country’s economic development. In a recent interview, he expressed his concerns about the impact that this decision will have on Romania’s competitiveness in the long term. „The green transition is not only about fighting climate change but also about creating new economic opportunities,” he stressed.

The REPowerEU scheme was launched by the European Commission in order to help Member States finance their transition to renewable energy and to support the EU’s objective of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. Under this scheme, countries can apply for funding to support their renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar farms, energy storage solutions, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Romania’s plan was submitted in February 2021, aiming to use the funding to develop various sustainable energy projects, including increasing the share of renewable energy in the country’s electricity mix from 45% to 55% by 2023, as well as investing in energy-efficient buildings and improving the efficiency of the country’s energy infrastructure.

However, the European Commission was not satisfied with Romania’s plan, as it did not meet the required level of ambition and lacked specific details on how the funding would be used effectively. As a result, the Commission rejected the proposal, giving Romania until October 2021 to submit a new plan that meets its expectations.

For Pîslaru, this rejection highlights the need for Romania to increase its efforts in the transition to clean energy and to ensure that its plans are adequately designed and ambitious enough to meet the EU’s expectations. „Romania needs to take the green transition seriously and invest in projects that will bring real and lasting benefits to its citizens and the economy,” he said.

In conclusion, the rejection of Romania’s REPowerEU scheme highlights the importance of robust planning and ambition when it comes to sustainable energy transition. For individuals like Dragoș Pîslaru, it is essential that the country takes significant action to reach its ambitious climate targets while ensuring that its economic development remains secure in the long term. With a renewed effort to invest in green projects and an effective plan in place, Romania can continue to contribute towards the EU’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 while securing a more sustainable and prosperous future for its citizens.

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